Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sometimes I adore ugly animals

Hey all! My second post, I swear it wont be as ramblish and messy as before. It will have more pictures ! But I can't guarantee they're nice pictures.
Yes, sometimes I do adore ugly animals. I don't know why, maybe I feel sorry for them, maybe I see things a different way, or maybe I don't think they're ugly.
Lets start off with my favourite: The star-nosed mole *wipes tear*
I feel sorry for this one, but at the same time I'm amazed at how fast it can eat, in less than a second (apparantly) this mole can recognise, decide and eat its whole prey.

It's blind but has awesome sense of feeling and smell.
And the reason I feel sorry for it is, well.. it has a slimy pink star instead of a nose?
I mean, you would feel sorry for yourself if you had a pink slimy nose right? Michael Jackson* is my labrat, his nose was getting old anyway.. This one is much more efficient, and matches his skin colour ;D
I could probably list 20 more interesting ugly animals but I don't have the committment to write so much.
So next up! *cue drumroll*
The Vampire Sea Spider!
I've never heard of this till now..
Well it does qualify for ugly, but I'm not sure if they can call it 'spider.' It has 5 pairs of legs, and for those mathematically challenged, that's 10 legs, 2 more than normal spiders (that's weird). It lives in antarctica (also weird) and sucks their prey dry (even weirder).
Anyway, I don't really find this one ugly, but just strange. Out of all the prey plentiful areas to live.. WHY ANTARCTICA? o_O
I think scientists will need a new class to put this weird spider in. :o Cause technically, spiders are classified as having 8 limbs.
Okayy, gonna wrap this post up, since it's HOLIDAYYYYS!! ;D A whole week to sleep in, stay up, eat chocolate eggs and relax.
The downside? I also get 3 assignments to complete in that week. Perhaps the teachers think we're eager young students with nothing better to do than work our arses off completing assignments. Pfft.. right.
Enjoy the Easter break and take care! ;D
The Ice-cream Eater Y
*For those who have been traumatized seeing this image, I sincerely apologize and promise I will no longer photoshop his face.

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